Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Remote Disk Management to Server 2012 core

I had a requirement to utilise remote disk management to a Windows Server 2012 core installation.  When opening Computer Management and remotely connecting to the Windows Server 2012 computer we received the following error message when attempting to access disk management.

Disk Management could not start Virtual Disk Service (VDS) on SERVERNAME.  This can happen if the remote computer does not support VDS, or if the connection cannot be established because it was blocked by Windows Firewall.

For additional information about diagnosing and correcting this problem, see Troubleshooting Disk Management in Disk Management help.

To resolve this problem we logged into the Server 2012 core server and enabled the following firewall exception using the netsh command.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Volume Management" new enable=yes

After adding the firewall exception to our Windows Server 2012 core computer, we can now connect to it using remote disk management.



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  2. Thanks for sharing this very helpful article. Those remote server managers are surely grateful with this post. Cheers!

  3. Thanks for sharing good one

  4. It is still a miracle why the remote disk management won't work from a Windows 7 client. It is not a firewall issue because that is disabled, and it works initiated from another server, just not from a W7.. I kinda ran out of ideas, read the same sites and posts the 27th time and still nothing.
