Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disable SID Filtering - Access is denied.

I went and attempted to disable SID Filtering over some trust links to prepare for SID History during domain migration using the following command:

netdom trust TrustingDomainName /domain: TrustedDomainName /quarantine:No /userD: domainadministratorAcct /passwordD: domainadminpwd

When doing this I got the following error (click to enlarge):

After research I found the cause. “Network access: Allow anonymous SID/name translation” was set to disabled on the Trusted Domain. This this should be enabled on domain controllers – please see

To disable SID Filtering you must Enable anonymous SID/name translation on your Default Domain Controllers GPO for the Trusted Domain.

I set it to enabled. This policy is located under:

Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\

After this the problem was resolved:

Note: Access is denied can also be caused if you use NetBIOS names instead of FQDN's for the domain names.


  1. great post I run into the same issue but easily solved the problem thanks to your post.

  2. Completely agree, great post!

  3. Nice article..keep up the good work...
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