Thursday, May 17, 2012

Call-ClusterExe: cluster.exe did not succeed, but 5058 was not a retry-able error code

You attempt to stop maintenance mode on an Exchange 2010 server using the StopDagServerMaintenance.ps1 script however you receive the following error.

WARNING: [02:57:24.640 UTC] Call-ClusterExe: cluster.exe did not succeed, but 5058 was not a retry-able error code. Not attempting any other servers. This may be an expected error by the caller.

The problem?

UAC.  Run Exchange managemnet console as Administrator.


  1. Not exactly:

    According to ms this is cluster node not paused

  2. When I had the same issue I can see from the failover cluster manager the node is paused. I finally resolved the problem by running the maintenance mode from another node in the DAG and it worked fine.

  3. I ran the .\stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 and after reboot got the cluster.exe did not succeed. I just ran the .\startdagservermaintenance.,ps1 again to pause the cluster.exe then was able to run the .\stopdagservermaintenace.ps1

  4. I ran Exchange management console as admin and still getting same error. Is there anything else that should be checked?

  5. In my case I had to run the 'Failover Cluster Manager' and found that the script had not paused the node.
    - Manually paused the node
    - Reran the StopDagServerMaintenance.ps1 script and it succeeded
    - Confirmed the node was now 'Up' in Failover Cluster Manager
    - Rebalanced and confirmed all were healty

  6. In Failover Cluter Manager pausing the problematic node and rerun the "stopdagservermaintenance.ps1 -servername yourexchangeservrname" script also solved the problem for me.
