Sunday, April 10, 2011

Whats the difference between ACL, ACE, DACL and SACL?

A security descriptor contains two access control lists (ACLs) used to assign and track security information for each object: the discretionary access control list (DACL) and the system access control list (SACL).

Discretionary access control lists (DACLs). DACLs identify the users and groups that are assigned or denied access permissions on an object. If a DACL does not explicitly identify a user, or any groups that a user is a member of, the user will be denied access to that object. By default, a DACL is controlled by the owner of an object or the person who created the object, and it contains access control entries (ACEs) that determine user access to the object.

System access control lists (SACLs). SACLs identify the users and groups that you want to audit when they successfully access or fail to access an object. Auditing is used to monitor events related to system or network security, to identify security breaches, and to determine the extent and location of any damage. By default, a SACL is controlled by the owner of an object or the person who created the object. A SACL contains access control entries (ACEs) that determine whether to record a successful or failed attempt by a user to access a object using a given permission, for example, Full Control and Read.


  1. Is it possible to get a list of all objects on a system that have a SACL defined for them? I'd like to do this in order to get a better idea of how enabling "Audit object access" events for Success & Failure would affect the size/growth rate of my event logs.

  2. Thanks for clearing this up. Thinking SACL = 'System AUDIT control list' might help me remember more easily!

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  4. You helped me alot. Thanks pal!!

  5. 10x, that cleared things up :)

  6. Tanks yous ver musch!!! It is indeed a rare occurrence to have someone explain technical terms in such succinct, and easily-understood terms. Bravo, my friend, bravo!

  7. Thank you for telling us the different type between the Access Control Systems. Very useful information!

  8. You are very informed information you provide is very good and reliable thank you.

  9. I don't care ACL, ACE, DACL or SACL, as long as they can protect us........
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  10. What is that actually? is it related to Access Control??

  11. Ya, what were that actually is? regarding the door Access Control Systems??

  12. Nice blog.
    Valuable information here.
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