The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {61738644-F196-11D0-9953-00C04FD919C1} to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Computer Services administrative tool.

I found that IIS WAMREG admin Service is the DCOM service in question by tracing the application ID. Notice it matches the ID in the error above.

To get to these properties you need to go through an MMC console like this through component services:

We know that it’s a permission error as Network Services is getting access denied to the application. Following this line of thought go to the security tab and hit customize on the launch and activation permissions:

Then hit edit:

Give Network Service full access:

Follow this procedure 2 more times to give network service full for both Access Permissions and Configuration Permissions. After giving Network Service the appropriate access the error went away.
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