Event Type: Error
Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 27
Date: 1/11/2010
Time: 2:31:11 PM
User: N/A
Computer: ORIONCH
WinMgmt could not open the repository file. This could be due to insufficient security access to the "<%SystemRoot%>\System32\WBEM\Repository", insufficient disk space or insufficient memory.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1090
Date: 1/11/2010
Time: 4:38:53 PM
Computer: ORIONCH
Windows couldn't log the RSoP (Resultant Set of Policies) session status. An attempt to connect to WMI failed. No more RSoP logging will be done for this application of policy.

This was resolved by performing the following:
1. net stop winmgmt
2. rename the e:\winnt\system32\wbem\repository directory
3. net start winmgmt
4. wmi should recreate the repository

WMI Database successfully showing up: